



n. 小龙虾


名词复数:crayfish 异体字:crawfish 


名词 crayfish:

  1. warm-water lobsters without claws; those from Australia and South Africa usually marketed as frozen tails; caught also in Florida and California
    同义词:spiny lobster, langouste, rock lobster
  2. tiny lobster-like crustaceans usually boiled briefly
    同义词:crawfish, crawdad, ecrevisse
  3. small freshwater decapod crustacean that resembles a lobster
    同义词:crawfish, crawdad, crawdaddy
  4. large edible marine crustacean having a spiny carapace but lacking the large pincers of true lobsters
    同义词:spiny lobster, langouste, rock lobster, crawfish, sea crawfish



【复数】 crayfish 或 cray.fish.es 也作 crawfish 或 craw.fish.es
Any of various freshwater crustaceans of the generaCambarus and Astacus, resembling a lobster but considerably smaller. Also called Regional crawdad ,mudbug
螯虾:任一种喇蛄属螯虾属 的淡水甲壳类动物,形状象龙虾但比龙虾要小 也作 【区域的】 crawdad,mudbug
See spiny lobster
参见 spiny lobster

By folk etymology from Middle English crevise
源自 中古英语 crevise的民间词源
from Old French crevice
源自 古法语 crevice
perhaps from Old High German krebiz [edible crustacean] * see gerbh-
可能源自 古高地德语 krebiz [可食用甲壳类动物] *参见 gerbh-

<注释>The crayfish, also known as the crawfish, owes its name to a misunderstanding.The actual source of the word may be the Old High German wordkrebiz, .edible crustacean,. or a word related to it.From this Germanic source came Old Frenchcrevice, which when taken into English becamecrevise (first recorded in a document written in 3-32). In Old French and Middle English these words designated the crayfish.People began to pronounce and spell the last part of this word as if it werefish, the firstfish spelling (actually fysshes ) being recorded in 555. Because of a variation in Anglo-Norman pronunciation,two forms of the word have come down to Modern English:crayfish and crawfish.
螯虾又名crawfish,正是出于误解才有现在这个名字。该词的真正来源可能是古高地德语中krebiz 一词, 意为.可食用的甲壳类动物.,或与之相关的一词。从这个日耳曼语词源中出现了古法语crevice 一词, 该词被借用入英语中变成了crevise (初次记录在3-32年间所写的一个文件中)。 在古法语和中世纪英语中这一词被称为crayfish。人们开始用fish 来发音和拼写这个词的后半部分, 而第一个fish 拼写法(实际上是 fysshes )被记录于555年。 由于英国法语发音的差异,这个词的两种变体,即crayfishcrawfish 就共同延续到了现代英语中
