
red gum


【医】 桉树(有时也指苏合香、古巴香)


名词 red gum:

  1. reddish-brown dried gummy exudation from any of several trees of the genus Eucalyptus especially Eucalyptus camaldulensis
    同义词:eucalyptus gum, eucalyptus kino
  2. very large red gum tree
    同义词:marri, Eucalyptus calophylla
  3. red gum tree of Tasmania
    同义词:peppermint, peppermint gum, Eucalyptus amygdalina
  4. reddish-brown wood and lumber from heartwood of the sweet gum tree used to make furniture
    同义词:sweet gum, satin walnut, hazelwood
  5. a North American tree of the genus Liquidambar having prickly spherical fruit clusters and fragrant sap
    同义词:sweet gum, sweet gum tree, bilsted, American sweet gum, Liquidambar styraciflua