



n. 惊起, 出发, 开端, 起点, 吃惊, 有利条件
vi. 开始, 出发, 启动, 跳起, 吃惊, 出现, 松动, 脱落, 起价, 参赛
vt. 使惊起, 开动, 发动, 启动, 开始, 创办, 提议, 使松动, 使脱落, 起用
【计】 起始
【经】 开始, 开设, 创办
from start to finish
get the start of sb
start after sb
start against sb
start aside
start back
start in
start off
start on
start out
start something
start up
to start with
start with
start to one's feet
make a good start
make a bad start
get a good start in life
at the very start


动词过去式:started 过去分词:started 现在分词:starting 第三人称单数:starts 


begin, start, commence, initiate, inaugurate
begin: 最常用词,含义广泛,其反义词是end,多用于行动、工作等的开始。
start: 在许多场合可与begin通用,但start侧重动作的起点。
commence: 可与begin换用,但commence系书面正式用词,语气庄重,特指有正式程序或一定仪式,或某种正式行动的“开始”。
initiate: 指创始或发起,侧重某过程的第一步,不考虑结束,强调起始。
inaugurate: 指正式而隆重的开始。
depart, leave, go, start, quit, set out
depart: 较正式用词,指经过周密考虑或郑重地离开,强调离开的起点。
leave: 侧重出发地而不是目的地。
go: 一般用词,指从所在地到其它地方去,着重目的地而非出发地。
start: 可与leave换用,强调目的地,但不及leave普通。
quit: 侧重指离开令人烦恼的地方,或摆脱使人不快的人或事。
set out: 书面用词。


名词 start:

  1. the beginning of anything
  2. the time at which something is supposed to begin
    同义词:beginning, commencement, first, outset, get-go, kickoff, starting time, showtime, offset
  3. a turn to be a starter (in a game at the beginning)
  4. a sudden involuntary movement
    同义词:startle, jump
  5. the act of starting something
    同义词:beginning, commencement
  6. a line indicating the location of the start of a race or a game
    同义词:starting line
  7. a signal to begin (as in a race)
    同义词:starting signal
  8. advantage gained by an beginning early (as in a race)
    同义词:head start

动词 start:

  1. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action
    同义词:get down, begin, get, start out, set about, set out, commence
  2. set in motion, cause to start
    同义词:begin, lead off, commence
  3. leave
    同义词:depart, part, start out, set forth, set off, set out, take off
  4. have a beginning, in a temporal, spatial, or evaluative sense
  5. bring into being
    同义词:originate, initiate
  6. get off the ground
    同义词:start up, embark on, commence
  7. move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm
    同义词:startle, jump
  8. get going or set in motion
    同义词:start up
  9. begin or set in motion
    同义词:go, get going
  10. begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job
    同义词:take up
  11. play in the starting lineup
  12. have a beginning characterized in some specified way
  13. begin an event that is implied and limited by the nature or inherent function of the direct object
  14. bulge outward
    同义词:protrude, pop, pop out, bulge, bulge out, bug out, come out


  1. She started at the sound of my voice.
  2. The society was started in 1980.
  3. What a start you gave me!
  4. We are just about to start.
  5. We must make a new start.